Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A family dinner 
 Mom simmers sauce on the stove
 For the spaghetti. 
Hamburger, cans of tomato 
A bay leaf, a spoonful of oregano 
A sprinkle of garlic salt.
 One hand stirring, 
Using the pressure cooker: It’s our largest pot. 
And then opens cans of green beans to go with.
 This is dinner. 
 The table is set for eight around the Formica. 
Flatware, pink melamine plates, plastic drink cups 
A pitcher of milk from nonfat instant dry
 May I have more spaghetti please? 
Dessert is fruit cocktail 
Spooned into small glass dishes 
And each of us wishes for the single cherry 
 That graces each can. 
Please pass the milk. 
 Dad will have instant decaf after 
With saccharine In a stained pink coffee cup. 
And Mom, from where she sits, 
Will preside over the table, 
Guide the conversation, 
And watch the sunset 
 All at the same time.

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