Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Burning Slash

on the ground, a fire
in the sky, full moon
I sip chardonnay
by kerosene lamp light

I disturb the ancient pattern of decay
trenches open where i remove rotting logs
insects scurry into cover
new grass crushes under heavy boot

I feed the fire
on the sky, full moon
in the ground, a fire
kerosene lamplight
fills my glass

sparks shower upward
smoke rolls through the bare buckeyes
and drenches my clothes
I pause to turn the metallic husk
of a dead millipede
I feed the fire

on the ground, the moon
in the sky, a fire
light spills from my glass

the fire falls in upon itself
branch upon branch
coal upon coal
knots explode
wood spirit flies free
I feed the fire

full moon
bright fire
empty glass

Fall 1983

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