Sunday, September 30, 2007

Run To The Darkness

run to the darkness
run and fear not
your feet will stumble
and your lungs will burn
and your hands will bleed

carry truth and salt
galvanize the staid
run to their darkness
run to the darkness

run though it be battering rain
and run though the air howl with heat
and run though the wind shred the skies
and run even when you cannot run

run to the darkness
carry the flaring torch
and scatter hot sparks of truth
and ignite the fields and forests
and burn the mountains down
and run even when you cannot run

lie not abed in soft comfort
forsake shoes and food and air
run to the darkness
and when you have run,
run again

till the earth ache with truth
and it succors the souls
of those who taste it and
until the oceans overflow with it
and mountains yield to it

but run

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